One Billion Rising Vienna 2014

In front of the Austrian Parliament Building
Dr. Karl Renner Ring 3,
1017 Vienna
05:00 pm
ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is a global call to women survivors of violence and those who love them to gather safely in community outside places where they are entitled to justice – courthouses, police stations, government offices, school administration buildings, work places, sites of environmental injustice, military courts, embassies, places of worship, homes, or simply public gathering places where women deserve to feel safe but too often do not. It is a call to survivors to break the silence and release their stories – politically, spiritually, outrageously – through art, dance, marches, ritual, song, spoken word, testimonies and whatever way feels right.
Again, this year, we in Vienna will join this global movement for the second time – organizing an event with musicians, singers and dancers and some speakers involving the audience singing and dancing all together. We are a small group of women from around the world organizing this event – Yvonne Birnbaumer, Margaret Carter, Ewa Dziedzic, Jenny Simanowitz and me, Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki – and I´m in charge of the artistic part of the program as I´m a dancer, performer and a choreographer. This year, perfomers include but are not limited to: Karine Label, a Haitian dancer, Maren Rahmann, a German actress and singer, Mela, an Austrian celloist and songwriter, Margaret Carter, an American singer, Cornelia Scheuer, an Austrian Actress and Dancer, and SambAttac, an Austrian percussion group, to name a few. Also Maria Stern, an Austrian songwriter – will present the latest arrangement of the Austrian song written last year for One Billion Rising, recorded this year with various soloists and a choir. This event is registered officially at the city council and is an independent, non-partisan event. We are thankful to all our sponsors who provide financial as well as in kind support (see sponsors for a list of contributors). At the end of this event, we will have an One Billion Rising Vienna After Event Party at a location nearby hosted by Las Chicas and die Grünen Frauen Wien. Sponsor List: Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser, AÖF BKA, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen Grüne Frauen Wien Elfie’s Wirt will sponsor the punch and Glühwein And especially we want to thank Maria Rösslhumer, executive manager of AÖF, for her big personal support!
Read the full information about this cause and the event on the official website