2020’s Short Film Fund is open (early bird deadline: February 28th)

The Shore Scripts Short Film Fund offers an opportunity for emerging screenwriters and filmmakers to have their short film financed and produced.
The Fund welcomes submissions from screenwriters and filmmakers from around the world. We accept short scripts, animations, and proof of concept shorts for TV pilots and features.
* Scripts should be within 2-30 pages
* You are free to set your script anywhere in the world.
* Writers from all countries are welcome to enter. All scripts must be written in English.
* We accept Short Scripts, Animations, Web Series, and Proof of Concept Shorts.
* All ages can enter.
* All genres welcome.
* You may submit as many scripts as you wish.
* All submitted screenplays must be the writers original work, or they own the copyright.
* Shore Scripts and the filmmaking team will share responsibility for sending the film to festivals.
* If a writing team enters, then all the writers must consent.
* The Filmmaking Team will have the final call on cast, crew and edit.
* To help the environment, Shore Scripts only accepts electronic entries.
* Each writer, or writing team, may not have earned more than $30,000 (£24,000 approx) in screenwriting fees since 2017. This clause is in place to help us support emerging talent. Screenwriting contest awards do not count toward this total.
* Shore Scripts staff and associates are unable to enter this fund.
* You may enter a newer draft of an already submitted script. There will be a small fee involved. You may re-enter you script through the Resubmission page.
* Scripts should be formatted at size 12 Courier.
* We prefer scripts to be sent as PDF’s.
* The winners consent to Shore Scripts using their name, script title, and any other relevant information for promotional purposes on their website. This will be used to inform other contestants and the media of the results. We will also be unrestricted in how and where we promote the finished film.
* The winners agree to cut a trailer for Shore to use on their website and on other promotional platforms.
* If Shore Scripts helps a writer gain representation, option, sell, or have his/her screenplay produced, then we are entitled to state this on our website and on any other platforms whenever we see fit.
* The decision of Shore Scripts is final. By applying to this fund each participant agrees to hold Shore Scripts, our judges and sponsors immune from any competition disputes, claims, liabilities and expenses.
* If the writer wishes to direct his or her own script, then it will be given serious consideration. A previous portfolio of work will help in making this decision.
* Shore Scripts will be listed as one of the ‘Production Companies” on the project. Our logo will need to be added to the films end credits. David Beazley will be credited as an ‘Executive Producer’.
* The budget will either go through Shore Scripts or be transferred to a freelance producer or production company.
* We are open to working with filmmakers known to the winner. We will also consider co-productions and additional funding from outside sources.
* By entering Shore Scripts, you authorize us to use any trusted third-party online and cloud-based services and databases for hosting, managing and/or transmitting your submission file(s).
* Shore Scripts are flexible as to the production dates of the winning project(s). However, if said projects haven’t been filmed within 12 months of our winner’s announcement, Shore has the discretion to transfer the funds to another submitted project. If the project has been filmed but not completed within 18 months of our winner’s announcement, Shore has the discretion to take over and complete the project internally.
The rest of information: https://www.shorescripts.com/shortfilmfund/