TIFF Review: Quota (2024)
Toronto International Film Festival

Short and poignant, the latest animation from the Dutch ‘Job, Joirs & Marieke’ studio is an ironic take on people’s careless attitude towards the environment despite clear signs pointing in the direction of extreme measures that should be taken to reverse the devastating consequences of climate change.
Somewhere very soon, all earthlings are provided with an app that monitors their CO2 emissions. Not thinking big about it, they continue their generous consumption of meat, petrol, electricity, and water as usual. The app is aware of every step the consumers take, and the countdown begins immediately. “Dear citizen of the world, the party is over”, chirps a female voice upon the app self-activation. There isn’t anything voluntary about it, as it belongs to the latest governmental measures to bring people to their senses. It can not be deleted, not fooled. If the citizens of the world tried they could maybe do something to make the app and the government happy, but they are too busy figuring out how to get rid of that annoying spying bug that is ruining their fun.
Job, Joirs & Marieke deliver a couple of naughty commentaries on our dependency on things that speed up our downfall in their charmingly dark animation “Quota”, named after the ticking app. A powerful oil and gas company called “Fossill4all” is there for the average consumers to fill up their monster SUVs, and a city hopper packed with tourists belongs to a cheap airline named “Ruin Air”. When the humans realize that the app is not a joke, it is already too late.
“Quota” has just had its world premiere at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) where it screened in the official selection.

English Title: Quota
Original Title: Quotum
Director(s): Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Marieke Blaauw
Year: 2024
Country of Origin: The Netherlands
Runtime: 3′
Language: English
Voices: Carice van Houten, Lucas Tepper, Jonathan Barnett
Art direction/ Animation: Studio Job, Joris & Marieke
Animation trainee: Lucas Tepper
Music composed by: Studio Job, Joris & Marieke
Music mix: Mailmen studio
Foley, sound FX and 5.1 mix: Bob Kommer Studios
Recording studios: Bob Kommer Studios, Posta
Canadian Distributor: Kaboom Distribution
US Distributor: Kaboom Distribution
International Sales Agent: SND Films
US Production Company: Job, Joris & Marieke
Producers: Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Marieke BlaauwSales
Agent: SND Films
Web: https://jobjorisenmarieke.nl/quota