Review: Hungry Joe (2019)
Before you start watching Paul Holbrook’s & Sam Dawe’s short horror Hungry Joe, make sure your stomache’s empty.
Before you start watching Paul Holbrook’s & Sam Dawe’s short horror Hungry Joe, make sure your stomache’s empty.
How to mess up a decent, tried and tested idea, a clear sense of the importance of the atmosphere, good acting, decent production values and lots of craft involved in a genre movie? The answer is simple: add the rushed, cop-out ending.
Rothlisberger, working on a script he wrote with Brock Russell, handles all the three tropes (vampires, werewolves and redneck rapists) quite well that it does not feel inflationary and over-crowded.
Natasha Pascetta’s short film, and it IS her film, since she was the writer, the director, the producer and the only actress in it, Road Trash is another piece of nostalgia aimed at the fans of the 80’s creature features
Conductor, the short directorial debut by Alex Noyer, who has more experience as a writer and producer in both documentaries and shorts, might prove to be a milestone of sorts
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