Cyril Aris: “In general, Lebanese people find a lot of humor in tragedies”
Everything I knew was gone, and it was so violent that I decided to take the camera and just document.
Everything I knew was gone, and it was so violent that I decided to take the camera and just document.
We usually think of the family as a place of love and security, but (…)
There was always a continuity between the power and the Church (…)
Curious to understand the popularity of a priest who, despite of a life full of controversy, became a cult figure…
Both deep and wide in its scope, masterfully composed, whip-smart, perceptive and nurturing to every cinephile, ‘Lynch/Oz’ can sometimes feel overwhelming, and even a bit too much (…)
Neither Kovačević nor Radovanović preach in ‘Another Spring’, but having Radovanović, an open and vocal critic of the current Serbian régime and the way it handled the pandemic, is certainly a political statement.
‘My Love Affair with Marriage’ is an animated film aimed at adult audiences, interestingly envisioned and told well enough to keep us occupied almost until the very end.
‘Mariupolis 2’ might nor be the strongest testament of Kvaderavičius’ filmmaking, but it is a testament of his humanity and the strength of his belief in his mission, and it also is a devastating testimony of the dark times we live in.
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