Locarno review: That’s How the Summer Ended (2022)
A joy for one person can be a pain for the other.
A joy for one person can be a pain for the other.
Traditionally good in storyline suspense building, the Greek director Thanasis Neofotistos is back on the festival scene with his dramedy ‘AirHostess-737’, which screenes in Locarno’s Pardi di Domani international competition program.
‘Fairplay’ is a complexly envisioned mosaic film that proves the point in an extremely audience-friendly package blending thriller, drama and social satire.
The two stories, one individual portrait of a person used to exist in quite rigid and uneventful environment marked by the never-changing routines, and a group portrait of “easy riders”, come to a joint end in the setting resembling a Western movie, dipped in warm colours of the 16mm footage.
‘Pillow Face’ is one of the most striking movies about the merciless phase between childhood and the total explosion of hormones.
There is no victimizing involved in the script the director co-wrote with Sofia Lo. The narrative turns to something else instead – the profitable side of the ‘purification business’.
Daron is the hero and the subject of Kevin Steen’s short documentary ‘Daron, Daron Colbert’ that world- premiered at Locarno.
Last Screening is a bit of an antithesis to ‘Kairat’, coming thirty years later, and set in a very interesting geopolitical context.
As the species, we tend to believe what we see more than what we hear someone says, but outside the context, a tabloid picture or the viral video from the internet is still equal to a rumour.
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