Interview with Jaydon Martin: “As a filmmaker, I never want to get into that territory of being a moralist”
“Flathead” points out at people whose cards were dealt differently than ours.
“Flathead” points out at people whose cards were dealt differently than ours.
The festivals are so far apart that there is no sense of competitivness.
Why shouldn’t we be sharing the resources then, and collaborate?
Everything I knew was gone, and it was so violent that I decided to take the camera and just document.
We usually think of the family as a place of love and security, but (…)
There was always a continuity between the power and the Church (…)
In the opening scene I’ve tried to create a very industrial and mechanical sonic world.
I wasn’t checking on the footage during the shooting and I’ve got to say that every time I was watching it, I discovered very different layers.
Right before the interview, we asked Daniel Hadenius-Ebner to present himself in his own words to those few people in the international short film circuit who don’t know much about him, and here is what he wrote: Daniel Hadenius-Ebner (42), born in Vorarlberg, married in Sweden, forever connected to Vienna. Loves silly movies and experimental […]
We understood that our backgrounds were not so dissimilar, and that we had something in common
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